How to Write Ads for Stores and Supermarkets

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Writing ads for stores and supermarkets requires attention and strategy. Announcements must be clear, persuasive, and able to capture the customer’s attention in just a few seconds. 

We have outlined a set of guidelines to help our clients create effective ads and announcements.

How to Write Effective and Memorable Ads for Your Commercial Space?

  1. Know Your Audience

First, identify who your customers are and what might interest them. Who better than you knows who frequents your commercial space? Choose language and terminology suited to your target audience.

  1. Focus on a Clear and Concise Message

Keep the message short and direct. Not only do we, but also renowned advertisers emphasize the importance of avoiding overloading the announcement with too much information. The risk is saying too much and, in the end, nothing at all!

  1. Use an Engaging Tone

Always choose an energetic and positive tone to better capture the attention of those who should listen to you. Don’t forget to adapt the tone to the context of your store or supermarket. Also, remember that announcements interrupt actions of people who are typically in a hurry, preoccupied, and tired, usually doing something they would rather not do.

  1. Promotions and Offers

Highlight special offers and ongoing promotions using keywords like “discount,” “special offer,” “only for today” that can grab the attention of those listening casually. Sprinkle it all with a bit of creativity and imagination.

  1. Call to Action (CTA)

Encourage customers to take action, like visiting a specific department or buying a promotional product. Here are some examples of effective CTAs: “Visit our fruit and vegetable department!”, “Don’t miss the 20% discount on all our products!”

  1. Strategic Repetition

Repeat the key message to ensure it sticks, but make sure the repetition does not become annoying but instead highlights the truly important information.

  1. Music and Background Sounds

Use music that reflects your brand’s identity and ensure that the background sounds do not overpower the message.

  1. Clarity and Diction

Use a clear and well-modulated voice, avoid slang or dialect expressions that are not understandable to everyone. If you need help or support, one of our speakers can record the announcement for you. Contact us, and we’ll provide the costs!

  1. Experiment and Evaluate

Try different formats and tones to see what works best and remember to ask for feedback from customers to improve. No one better than them can show you the right way!

Ads and Announcements on My MoosBox 

Our fantastic My MoosBox platform offers various options to help you communicate with your customers clearly and directly, using one or more ads to speak to them. 

Here is an overview of the available options:

  1. Text-to-Speech Announcements

Create your ad by typing the text of your announcement and selecting the language, voice type, intro, and background music. At the end, after saving, you can evaluate the result. If it’s not included in your subscription plan, you can request it immediately!

  1. Ready-to-Use Ads

You can choose from one of our 28 generic ads designed specifically for you by our experts and professionally recorded by our speakers. If you can’t find one suitable for your business or profession, contact us!

  1. Upload Your Ad

If you are one of our pro customers with a quality ad already recorded, you can upload it for free; you just need to use the indicated format, accept the terms and conditions before requesting a review. Once approved, you will need to insert it into your schedule. 

  1. Custom Ads

If you want an ad produced specifically for you by our experts and recorded in a highly professional manner, choose this option. You just need to enter the indicated information on the platform and click Request a Quote.


Using effective ads for announcements in supermarkets and stores can significantly increase sales and improve the customer experience. We have also extensively discussed it in our article Spot and Announcements In-Store. By following these guidelines, you can create ads that grab attention and effectively promote your products and offers. 

My MoosBox offers you a range of tools (both free and subscription-based) to create and manage your ads, making the process simple and accessible to everyone. Create or upload your ads now and see the results!