The new My MoosBox platform is the best in-store radio on the market

Mockup with colors inspired by the My MoosBox platform

Music is the beating heart of every commercial activity, creating a welcoming and engaging atmosphere for those who frequent it. In this context, music with all rights included by MoosBox represents the key to a hassle-free and legally flawless in-store radio experience.

However, saying “having music” is not enough to offer a good in-store radio service: it is necessary to have easy-to-use tools and able to adapt to the multiple needs of the stores. MoosBox, a leader in offering in-store musical services with all rights included, continues to define the market with its new My MoosBox platform.

In this article, we will explore this revolutionary dashboard, focusing on AudioRoadie®, the nerve center of My MoosBox, highlighting its ease of use and discovering the various functions available to its users.

A leap into innovation with the My MoosBox platform and AudioRoadie®

January 23, 2024, was a significant date for MoosBox, as it officially launched the new release of its customer platform, entirely based on AudioRoadie®.

This innovative solution, developed in-house by the team of engineers, graphic designers, and UX specialists, demonstrates the commitment to providing not only the best music with all rights included but also an advanced platform that can give customers total control of their personalized radio.

Ease of use for an in-store radio accessible to everyone

AudioRoadie® has been designed to be intuitive and easy to use, offering the possibility of having a personalized store radio. Without the need for advanced technical skills, users can navigate through the platform with ease, customizing their music experience quickly and effectively. A turning point for companies seeking autonomy in managing their soundtrack, ads, and all the devices in their network.

Total customization of your store’s soundtrack

With the My MoosBox platform, the customer has the power to fully customize the soundtrack of their commercial space and to add all the announcements and ads they want in total autonomy. From creating thematic playlists to choosing specific genres, every detail is in the customer’s hands. An approach that meets the specific needs of every business.

My Moosbox platform mockup: sections for schedule, ads/spots, and seasonal tracks.

✅ Control of schedules and moods

Another distinctive feature is the ability to schedule music according to desired times and atmospheres, store by store, or even area by area within the same location. Whether it’s a lively music selection for the lunch rush or relaxing melodies for closing time, the My MoosBox platform offers detailed control and a possibility of almost real-time modification.

✅ Many tools for broadcasting music in stores

To use Moosbox, it is enough to download the free app for iOS or Android, or access from a browser, while, to broadcast it within commercial activities, practically any device can be used: PC, tablet, or smartphone, connected to the app, or smart speaker systems like Sonos or Amazon Alexa, or decoders like Raspberry or Retail Player.

✅ Integrated management of ads and announcements

With the powerful AudioRoadie® system, the customer can autonomously manage the programming of their ads, differentiating it by days and times, but also by campaigns and individual stores, uploading an audio file created externally or using the integrated artificial intelligence and text-to-speech systems, not to mention the support that the in-house studio JinglesFactory® can offer in the professional creation of ads, audio, and sound branding.

Mockup new My MoosBox platform playlist.

MoosBox and its leadership in the music industry

AudioRoadie® is just the latest success story in MoosBox’s history. For over 25 years, the team now operating in MoosBox has faced the countless challenges of the music industry, offering innovative solutions. Its leadership position is strengthened by the ability to develop in-house advanced tools like AudioRoadie® and My MoosBox, highlighting a constant commitment to quality and customer autonomy.

In conclusion, MoosBox continues to lead the music industry for businesses, focusing on ease of use, total customization, and autonomous control, the true pillars on which this extraordinary music management system for shops, offices, studios, etc., is based.

Discover how MoosBox and AudioRoadie® can elevate your commercial music experience, bringing harmony and autonomy to your space.

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