Revolutionize Your Business with MoosBox: Create a Custom Schedule for Every Target

radio per ogni target

Imagine being able to transform every moment of your workday with the perfect soundtrack. With MoosBox, you can do this thanks to the flexibility of the service and the quality of the music carefully curated daily by our sound designers to meet all the requests we receive.

Indeed, no one believes more than we do that music is much more than just a background: it’s the key element that can define the atmosphere and enhance your customers’ experience, making them feel at home and extending their stay in your commercial or professional space.

With our platform my.moosbox, we offer the unique opportunity to create customized music schedules that are extremely flexible and can adapt to the different needs of each time slot and type of audience.

In this article, we will show you how to personalize the music to satisfy your target audience, maximizing the power of music fully licensed for every space and moment of the day.

Adapt the music to your target audience

Changes throughout the day

The target audience of a store can vary significantly throughout the day. For example, think of a shopping mall. In the morning, shoppers might primarily be retirees or parents with young children, while in the afternoon and evening, the audience could include teenagers and young adults.

For this reason, it is essential that the background music adapts to these changes, creating a welcoming and appropriate environment for each demographic group.

With our My MoosBox platform, we can create music schedules that evolve in real-time, ensuring that every moment of the day is accompanied by the perfect soundtrack.

Real-time customization

Unlike most providers, our platform allows you to modify the music schedule in real-time.

This means that if you notice a sudden change in the type of clientele or want to experiment with new music styles, you can do so immediately. For example, during a special promotion or event, you can switch from a lounge music playlist to a more energetic and dynamic one to keep the enthusiasm and interest high.

Adapting music to different target audiences

Clothing store vs. gym

Consider a clothing store for teenagers between 15 and 20 years old and a gym with the same target audience.

Although they are spaces with different purposes, they might paradoxically use the same moods or playlists. For example, an energetic and modern playlist can be perfect for both a trendy clothing store and a gym, creating a lively and engaging environment in both contexts.

At MoosBox, we offer royalty-free music that perfectly adapts to various needs, always maintaining a high-quality experience.

Practical examples of success

Using the music demos available on our website, we can see how different playlists can transform the atmosphere of various commercial spaces:

  • Young Clothing: a pop and urban playlist, with tracks like “Street Vibes” and “Youth Beats,” can attract and engage a young and fashionable audience.
169 – Royalty Free: Urban and RnB
  • Gym: energetic tracks like “Power Workout” and “Dynamic Flow” can encourage and motivate anyone working out, keeping the pace and motivation high.
113 – Free Royalties: Music for Fitness, Dance and Electronic

For more useful tips, check out our article The Targets of Music in a Store, which we highly recommend reading to delve deeper. The Musical Choice Based on People

Often more important than the type of space

Apart from a few specific cases like barber shops, which are a unique case in the panorama of commercial activities, musical choices should be based more on the people who frequent these places rather than the type of space.

For example, a trendy bar frequented by young adults might benefit from a trendy and rhythmic playlist, while an elegant restaurant might prefer a selection of jazz or lounge music.

Returning to the example of the barber shop, these spaces have a very specific and relatively stable target audience: predominantly male, often oriented towards a vintage or modern aesthetic but always with a strong emphasis on style and personal care. The mood and musical grooves of a barber shop must evoke and reinforce these masculine styles, creating an environment that reflects the identity and expectations of the customers.

206 – Royalty Free: Crooners

This is one of the few examples where the target audience is always or almost always the same, allowing for musical consistency that is rarely found in other types of stores. In all other cases, it becomes crucial to have a tool that ensures maximum flexibility, allowing the mood to adapt to the target as it changes throughout the day and specialized consultants available to assist you in its management.

Our personalized in-store radio guarantees that every space perfectly reflects the preferences and expectations of its audience.


In conclusion, music is an essential element for creating the right atmosphere in any commercial activity.

With MoosBox, we offer the ability to create custom music schedules, adaptable in real-time, to ensure that every customer feels welcomed and valued.

Discover how our fully licensed music and our consultants can help you transform your space, making it unique and memorable for anyone who visits.

We are here to help you create the perfect environment, one hour at a time, one customer at a time.

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