Can I use Spotify in my commercial activity? Not at all!

MoosBox Spotify: which choice?

We know what you’re up to! You’re trying to create the perfect atmosphere for your store/restaurant/business, but you don’t want to spend a fortune on licenses for famous music, right?

Spotify, Deezer, Amazon Music, YouTube: who doesn’t know them? They are the giants of music streaming that accompany us in our daily lives. But are they the right choice to set the mood for your business?

Nothing is as it seems: the broadcasting of music in a commercial establishment is regulated by specific regulations that prohibit the use of streaming services for personal use. Yes, we’re talking about Spotify & co., which are not suitable for this purpose! Spotify itself specifies this in its terms and conditions and has a dedicated FAQ on the matter.

Why? Simple! The licenses for music usage in a commercial setting are different from those for private use. Ignoring this aspect can expose you to unpleasant penalties, such as hefty fines and suspension of activity.

If you’re interested in learning more about this topic, you can find a dedicated article on our blog titled “Copyright and Related Rights”.

Why is broadcasting music with Spotify in a commercial establishment illegal?

Broadcasting music in a commercial establishment with Spotify, Deezer, Amazon Music, YouTube, or other personal streaming services is illegal because it constitutes a copyright violation, due to the following reasons:

  • The licenses for music usage in a commercial setting are different from those for private use.
  • Personal use streaming services like Spotify are not authorized for broadcasting music in commercial establishments.
  • Using these services for this purpose violates the copyright of artists and music rights holders, even if you have broadcasting licenses and related rights.

In practice, Spotify is a great ally for personal music streaming, but when it comes to using music in a commercial environment, things get complicated. As we have demonstrated, broadcasting music in a commercial establishment with Spotify or other personal streaming services is illegal and can lead to severe penalties. That is why using a reliable Music Provider like MoosBox – which provides specific licenses for commercial use and ensures maximum security and peace of mind – is the solution.

MoosBox: Your Key to the Musical World

As we mentioned, we are a professional Music Provider that allows you to broadcast music in your shop, bar, restaurant, hotel, and any other commercial environment in a safe and legal way.

What does it mean? No more hassles with licenses, no more repetitive and banal playlists. With the MoosBox license, you will have access to:

  • A vast catalog of license-free and royalty-free music: choose from genres, artists, eras, and atmospheres to create the perfect soundtrack for your business.
  • Personalized playlists: a team of musical experts will help you create tailor-made playlists for your target audience and the atmosphere of your venue.
  • Advanced features: control the music remotely, insert your announcements and ads, schedule the broadcast based on your opening and closing times with our custom decoders, and manage multiple audio zones with different playlists.
  • A complete and secure service: MoosBox takes care of everything, from music selection to license management, ensuring you maximum peace of mind.

MoosBox: The Music That Makes a Difference for Your Business

By choosing MoosBox as your Music Provider, you can:

  • Improve your customers’ experience: the right music creates a pleasant and relaxing atmosphere, encouraging customers to stay longer and return more often.
  • Increase your revenue: various studies show that background music can positively influence customers’ moods and purchasing behavior.
  • Strengthen your brand: music can become a distinctive element of your brand, helping to make it more recognizable and memorable.

MoosBox: Your Ally for Unlimited Music

MoosBox is the ideal solution for all types of commercial activities: shops, bars, restaurants, hotels, wellness centers, gyms, and much more.

Don’t miss the opportunity to bring rhythm to your business!

Learn more about our music: together, we will make your business thrive!